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Angels; How to Connect with Them and Ask For Help

By Trevor pin 6610

I have seen and felt Angels since I was a child. I was once within the chambers of a town council when I had an angelic vision. The whole chamber was suddenly full of angels behind all the counsellors and facing many different directions. Initially, I was confused by this beautiful vision. then the meaning dawned on me. The angels were not taking sides or following their own agenda. They were there for everyone all the time in every way. This is love for love’s sake.


This truth is key to connecting with angels. It is not a case of ‘why?’ or ‘if?’ but of ‘when?’ and ‘how?’. Believing this simple truth is the first step to connecting with angelic energies. This means that all people are invited to connect with, and to be empowered by angelic guardians and messengers.



The next stage is to explore the question of “when?”. We need to understand that because of love, angels are always seeking to support and equip us. They are around us all the time. They are always ready to engage with us when we reach out to them. We only need to choose a certain practical technique to initiate an encounter with the angelic realm.



I would suggest four techniques for connecting with the angels around us which are simple to master through practice and experimentation.



Firstly, connecting with Angels has been made popular in recent times through Angel Card decks. These oracle decks allow us to invite angels to guide us through their psychic influence over the selection of the revealed cards. Basically, you ask the deck questions and the angels guide you through choosing the card you uncover. This is a good place to start if you have never consciously tried to work with the Angelic Realms.



Secondly, we can connect with Angels through Visual Meditation. This involves us looking at a picture of an angel until we feel the answer we seek within our heart. The picture could be our own drawing of an angel, or a religious icon, or an image downloaded from the internet. This form of reflection takes time and patience but is very rewarding.



Thirdly, we can develop a connection with those from the Angelic Realm through Music Based Meditation. The vibrational energy of music resonates well with the beautiful high vibration of Angelic energy, making it easier to get our feelings across to them. This involves us setting aside a regular time to listen to instrumental music. We might begin such times with an offering of thanks to the angels around us, by spraying perfume, lighting a candle, or burning incense. With your questions or hopes in mind. You should enjoy the music and take note of the feelings, mental pictures and words which come into your heart.



Fourthly, we can get Angelic guidance through an Open Letter Devotion. This involves writing a short letter to the Angels clearly outlining your requests. Keep it simple and respectful. Place the letter within your home where you will see it as a reminder. In the following few days, you should take coincidences, recurring thoughts, and mystic moments as their response to your devotional letter.



Of course, there are other ways of connecting with Angelic energies such as through dreams or mantras but these four techniques provide a good foundation to get you started. Over time, many find they develop friendships with particular angels or become very successful through a particular technique.


One final tip to enrich our effectiveness of our communication, is to keep a psychic journal to chart our journey of discovery. Often, we will be amazed by the insights and be able to build on recorded experiences.


Above all, connecting with Angels shows us the Angelic realm is loving, generous, and open to all.

Trevor is a very spiritual psychic medium with a powerful, yet calm and gentle energy. he guides you in pretty much every life-situation, even those that are particularly difficult, with the aim of getting you back on track, happy and looking forwards to a brighter future. Connect with Trevor today for your own reading. See his profile here 

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