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Your Reading This Is No Coincidence What Message is the Universe giving to you?

Have you ever seen the same numbers appearing time and time again?

Have you ever met someone and felt like you had a mysterious connection?

Or woken up at exactly the same time several nights running?

Or realised that you were experiencing a strange coincidence?


Strange coincidences happen to everyone. But when they happen, we wonder why. Is somehow, someone trying to tell us something?

The answer to that is actually, YES!

When you are a spiritual adviser and you dedicate your life to discovering the mysteries of the universe, you discover that there IS a reason for these events. And the universe is trying to let you know.

For example, if you add up the numbers in your date of birth and add them up and reduce them into one number you will find your life path number. The chances are you will already find some coincidences concerning special dates.

As an example, a life path 6 and a life path 8 got married on 26 January 2013; 2+6+1+2+0+1+3 = 15, 1+5 =6. The Marriage happened under a full Moon in Cancer, which happens to be the Life path 8's ascendant sign. Life Path 8 then happened to have her 30th birthday shortly afterwards, under a full Moon in Aquarius, which is her husband's sign. On later analysing their birth charts we found the lifepath 6 had his moon (emotion) and his Venus in Taurus, which was the sun sign of life path 8. Lifepath 6 keeps seeing the number 33 everywhere. Lifepath 8's lucky number is 8. Neither have been aware of any of the above until we looked into it!


Did you know that the mathematician Pythagoras was the founder of numerology? But the secrets of numbers go back even further, to the ancient Egyptians and further back still. There are systems used by every single religion to calculate names, read the stars and forecast events mathematically.

In numerological and astrological terms there is a reason and a date for absolutely everything.


Why did things happen to you like they did?

What is the date and time that things will happen for you?

Who is your true soul match?

These and any other questions can be simply answered, giving you a new view of your life and a clear explanation of WHY certain events occurred.  And to know what will happen next, and when.

Speak to one of our expert astrologer-numerologists and get astounding insight and your questions to life's dilemmas answered. see our readers HERE

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