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Find Out About the Law of Attraction

How To Use It and Attract What You Want in Your Life!

By Luna, pin 6853

The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a spiritual law that is always working. Our thoughts create our reality. What we think about therefore dictates what happens to us.

A simple way to think of LOA is that it is the opposite of worry. When you worry, you are in a negative state, sending messages of what you don’t want in your life. What we focus on expands, so therefore worry brings more worry.

Consider the Law of Attraction as a mindset tool that can give you what you want. When the LOA is at work in your life, consequently what shows up is a direct reflection of your thoughts. Your thoughts create an energy vibration that the Law of Attraction responds to.  The key to success with the LOA is therefore to give energy to what you want in your life. It is possible to choose what you want and create your own path to get there.

How does the Law of Attraction work?

Think of the Law of Attraction as a cause and effect relationship. The cause makes the effect happen. Remember the law can also work both ways, which means we can create both positive and negative paths in our lives. You might have heard that lack of money is never the problem. It’s not! And yet a lack of positive mentality IS a problem. This means by switching your thoughts from lack to abundance you are creating a different cause and effect.

In order for the Law to lead you to the land of plenty, you therefore first have to take control of your thoughts. What you think is a choice. You can choose change in your life or not. You can stay stuck in a situation that doesn’t serve you or not, you can live the life you want or not. And, you can take responsibility for your life or not.



Being grateful for what we already have in our lives and thanking the universe for what shows up is crucial. Knowing that the LOA is always working means that it is always listening and responding to you. So, thanking the universe for the roof you have over your head, the food you eat and the positive relationships you have, all put you in alignment for the universe to respond to you. It is important to be grateful for the small things as well as the bigger things.

Picture yourself driving around a busy car park looking for a space. You circle a couple of times and mutter “someone leave please!” And then a space opens up. This is the Law of Attraction working in your life. Quite simply, thanking the Universe for providing what you want brings more of what you want.


How to apply the Law of Attraction in Your Life

Applying the Law of Attraction requires daily practice, it is not magic. It is about creating a consistent vibration of the same type of energy. So, if you are confused about what you want and keep changing your mind, you will confuse the Law and it won’t know what to deliver. You might consider applying the Law of Attraction as a lifestyle that requires daily application.

The first step and most important is to decide what you want. Deciding what you want and designing the life you want, can be a real challenge for some. So, spend time thinking about this, a long time if necessary.  Creating a visual representation of the life you desire by using a vision board will keep your goals in near focus. Daily affirmations said as if they have already happened will keep the vibration of energy positive.


What can I use the Law of Attraction for?

You can use the Law of the universe for any area of your life. It is important that you trust the Law will work. Every day people all over the world are using the Law of Attraction and are seeing fantastic results. Oprah Winfrey attracted a role in a movie that she really wanted, by drawing the role to her by living, sleeping and breathing The Colour Purple. You can apply the LOA to your career, relationships, goals, dreams, material needs and loving intimate relationships. If you want to have a new person enter your life, who will be your life time partner, you can ask the universe to bring the person you desire to you. This is done by being very specific, for example, this person will be five years older than me, be musical and a non-smoker.



The Law of Attraction is present and working in your life whether you use it or not. Applying the Law and using it is entirely possible and is happening around you all the time. Once you use the Law and see the results, you will be living the life you designed. All you have to do is simply to ask, believe and receive!


Luna is a regular reader with Psychic Pages and is also an NLP practitioner. She also specialises in advising on using the Law of Attraction to attract what you want in your life Find out more about her here and how to speak with her directly in your own private personal reading!

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